Epic Himalayan Green Ride/Run

Second Chapter in Now Open

Now in Ladakh

(June 5th to August 15th)

Green Ride Till Now

Distance covered on foot

2000+ KMs

Distance covered on cycle

5600+ KMs

Total participants till now


How to Contribute

Epic Himalayan Green Ride Format




The Reason Behind Epic Himalayan Green Ride

Epic Himalayan started Green Ride to promote a carbon-neutral lifestyle in order to reduce the amount of emissions released into the atmosphere. Each individual has a responsibility to take action to reduce their environmental impact, and by riding bicycles or walking and running instead of driving cars, Epic Himalayan believes that they can make a significant difference. By offsetting the emissions from their cycling and running/walking trips, they are doing their part to ensure that their travels have as little negative impact on the environment as possible. We want to show people that it is easy and affordable to live a carbon neutral lifestyle.

The campaign, which started in Sikkim lasted about one month, from 1st of May, 2022 till 31st of May 2022. We are now proud to anounce that the second chapter of our Green Ride is now open in Ladakh from 5th June, 2022 and will continue till 15th August, 2022.

Cyclists and runners are encouraged to ride their bikes or walk/run as much as possible. The campaign is also aimed at encouraging people to reduce the amount of waste they produce and contribute in whatever way they can to promote and live a carbon-neutral lifestyle. We hope this will lead to a more sustainable future. As a reward for every one who contributes to our Green Ride Campaign will be labelled as Green Heroes and the top contributors will be rewarded during our RunFun 2 event which is going to take place on the world's environment day - August 15th, 2022. 

Epic Himalayan Green Ride Poster

How can you contribute to the cause?

Green Ride is a carbon-neutral campaign that promotes a lifestyle of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. We have created this challenge that encourages people to cycle, run, or walk for 40 days, covering as many kilometers as they can. The challenge is open to all, and anyone can contribute by riding their bike or walking. The contributors are also requested to educate themselves on other ways to reduce their carbon footprints, such as looking into energy-efficient homes and reducing waste.  

  • Download the strava app and create an account if you don't already have one. 

  • Join the Official Epic Himalayan Clubs on Strava

    1. Running/Walking - https://www.strava.com/clubs/1045689  
    2. Cycling - https://www.strava.com/clubs/1045688
  • Use your GPS device(mobile phone or watch) during your ride to track your cycling/running/walking distance. For more information about how this tracking can be done, you can refer to this link or contact us.  

  • Keep Walking/Running/Cycling and you can continue monitoring your progress and standing in Strava. 

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Terms and conditions for all participants

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